What Do You Love About FriSatSu?

I know when I had a job, I enjoyed the time away the 9 – 5 grind and being free to do what I wanted.

Currently, I can work when I want. However if I am going to stay in touch with friends, FriSatSu is usually the best time to contact and chat with them.

Sunday also tends to be more about Family time. There are just so many things to love about FriSatSu.

What do you love about FriSatSu?

9 thoughts on “What Do You Love About FriSatSu?”

  1. Mel, I also happen to love Frisatsu! We never know what each one will bring us, but we can always look forward to them with GREAT anticipation! Most of the times, these are the highlight of the week, in my opinion!


  2. A good “FriSatSu” should always include the potential of catching up on some much needed sleep!

    I always get lost in my hobbies, hit the gym, and might look for an old movie to watch. It feels like its own little “retreat” that allows us to recharge from the rest of the week!



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